Okay, sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake, and sometimes my posts are nowhere near being on topic, but...

...I just realised that Manson's new 'symbol' thingy that he's got 'tattooed' on his forehead is the symbol for Mercury. So, what is he doing now, he thinks he's a planet? Or maybe he's finally given in to the delusion that he's a god?

Something about a monkey, an elephant, and the right for men to wear women's underwear in public

Well, it took me awhile to gather my thoughts on this one, but well, you can only think so hard after writing a religious studies exam. Anyway, today I was touched by many a person, not only people that I know, but some strange women who just had the urge to feel me. I know, that sounds very very odd now doesn't it? You're sitting there saying to yourself 'why the hell would people actually *WANT* to touch him for chrissakes?' I know that that's exactly what you're saying since I perfected that telepathy through a wire thing, but that's something else entirely. Anyway, back to the point, I suppose the reason that many people were touching me was because of what I wore today, and am still wearing in case anyone with sick perversions was wondering. I had one of my 'look like I actually have money' days and wore black suede shoes, black cords, a blue silk shirt and a black velvet (yes, I wear velvet, anybody who has problems with that can go fuck themselves) jacket. I wore the jacket because it was actually pretty warm today and I hadn't had a chance to wear it yet, since I only got it about a week ago. So, all day people were rubbing my jacket, saying how nice it is, and strangely enough some were feeling my pants and my shoes. What might be stranger is that I actually let them, but anyhow...what makes people want to touch other people? Especially when they don't know who that other person is? Or does everyone just like rubbing their hands on velvet?