
I've been running a forum for this site from about the same time d-generation went live originally, but I'm wondering if it's necessary. I know it only costs me peanuts, but if it's not being used, except for Logan, Alan, Nick, and I to talk to ourselves, what's the point?

I've noticed for awhile that webloggers out there are having a "comments" system embedded more and more in their pages. I'm coming from a situation where I was coding these bloody things myself rather than having an auto-enabled script -- I hand coded d.'s daily diatribes before blogging was vogue, back when the "live journals" were cumbersome, clunky beasts hosted on another's server -- which originally necessitated an alternate forum to post comments and such. Now, the question is, if I add a comments system and close down the forum, which comments system should I use?

I know that there are standalone scripts like or haloscan that can be integrated into blogger's coding, or I could ante up and switch the entire thing over to Moveable Type -- mind you, that would cost more than what I currently pay for the forum. For those of you with comments systems, what do you think is the best?

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