The River

I always wonder about nostalgia. 

It's a strange emotion; longing combined with reflection, wistfulness and a mix of happiness and sadness.  I guess conceptually I can understand people who think that high school, university, their 20s, their 30s, whatever, were the best times of their lives -- how there are memories of good times, memories of things being simpler, certain people being around.  Missing someone or something can be difficult, debilitating even, but you can never go back.  Only forward.  One step at a time.

Cherish the memories of the good times, but don't become trapped by the past.  While certain elements may be "better" than "now", those times certainly weren't necessarily simpler than things now.  I've thought about different times myself, wondering where I got different ideas, how I did different things when I was younger, and where certain passions or abilities went.  Treading water, maybe? 

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