Wonderful and Sad

"I'd write a letter home, but I don't know where to send it."

Everyone has their favourite ABC title. Everyone has their own reasons for liking this one or that one more than the others. Some people will say that they love Tom Strong for its own unique blend of Murphy Anderson-era Superman with Captain Marvel C. C. Beck-isms to give a fresh spin on the "Superman" archetype. Others will say Top Ten because it's Alan Moore doing Legion of Superheroes without any of the silliness, and a densely structured "episodic" cop drama feel. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen will get touted as the best with all of its literary allusions and fucking kick ass art from Kevin O'Neill. I'm sure there's probably someone out there who'd say that Art Adams artwork for "Jonni Future" in Tom Strong's Terrific Tales is to drool over and puts everything else to shame (even if it's not written by Alan).

For me, though, my favourite ABC title is Promethea. It's like brain candy. Philosophy, semiotics, religion, mysticism, all in a quasi-bi-monthly package with some phenomenal artwork from JH Williams III and Mick Gray. Artwork that rose higher and higher to the challenge that Moore was putting forth as he explored the various implications and connotations of the individual spheres. ...and it's supposedly ending in five more issues.

Made all the sadder because Moore's writing such a great tale. Ever since Sophie came back from her little trip along the tree of life, the book has taken on a more "mainstream" approach, with an appearance last issue and this from Tom Strong, and the promise of an America's Best reunion soon. It's so bittersweet knowing that the end is nigh...in more ways than one. Given that Promethea is supposed to bring about the "end of the world", it's getting dire and grim for our heroes, but you have to wonder if it's the end of the world literally or figuratively. These things never seem to play out the way you naturally tend to suspect and Moore is known for having more than a few tricks up his sleeve -- even when not wearing a sleeved shirt.

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