Are You My Mother

There's a new show you may or may not have seen on Fox on Friday nights, (actually two new shows, but I only really care about one, the one I don't being Joss Whedon's Firefly), under the title John Doe. I missed the episode last week, but the premiere caught my attention.

Basically, it's a show about a man who awakes naked, off the Western seaboard, can't remember who he is, but can speak a variety of languages, learn how to operate anything, and has no bloody clue who he is. This man "John Doe", in his quest to find out who he is, moonlights as a piano playing detective, solving murders and kidnappings on the side. Did I mention that he doesn't know who he is? The premiere was actually pretty decent, the only question I really have is, why does he have what looks almost like Joe Quesada's signature on his chest?