Angelus, Oh Angelus, Wherefore Art Thou Angelus?

...rotting in a wooden box at the bottom of the ocean is where. I purport that Angel didn't jump the shark, but managed to strike it and crush it as the coffin sunk to the seabed. Thus far, this season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer has shown incredible promise, reinvigorating the series, and making it fun to watch, Angel on the other hand, seems like it's just going through the motions.

On thing that I always loved about Buffy was that each season, despite having character threads that carried on, was essentially self-contained. There have never been any bloody season ending cliffhangers that drive audiences nuts, up until last season Angel was pretty much the same, but we got one hell of a cop-out in this last one. The whole thing just feels tired, there's no pep, no interesting character development, no surprises, and in a word, I'd honestly have to say that Angel has become: boring.

No amount of Wesley sleeping with the enemy or beheading an upper eschelon member of Wolfram & Hart is going to change that feeling right now. This show needs an enema.

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